Our Partners: Spotify

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Digitize is the exclusive media sales partner for Spotify in Ireland since its launch in February 2013.

What is Spotify?

Founded in 2006, Spotify introduced an innovative way for music lovers to access music online, and it is now the world’s largest and most popular music, podcast and video streaming service by the number of subscribers. With Spotify, you have access to multi-millions of songs, curated and personalised playlists and an immense podcast library. Discover new music, podcasts, listen to your favourite artists, albums, or create a playlist with the latest songs to suit any and every mood. Spotify is your brand’s connection to culture.

Spotify Stats

  • +1M monthly active free users
  • +2h avg. daily time spent
  • 49% weekly reach in Ireland
  • 30% growth YOY
How it works
How it works How it works How it works How it works How it works How it works

How Brands can advertise with Spotify?

Spotify’s full advertising suite of audio, video and display allows brands to connect with consumers through creative messaging opportunities designed to capture their attention during relevant moments of their listening experiencesAll Spotify advertising is optimised for streaming: listeners receive the best music and advertisers get better results. Spotify captures billions of data points each day from the high level of user engagement, which is used as their streaming intelligence. Drive your campaigns on Spotify by leveraging this intelligence to target users by who they are, as well as what and how they stream.

Why Digitize

Digitize is Your Local Spotify Partner

Digitize has been the exclusive media sales partner for Spotify in Ireland since the company’s Irish market commercial launch in February 2013. Our dedicated sales team – experts in all things Spotify – are best positioned to advise on how your brand can reach, connect and engage with their streaming audience. As the in-market representatives for Spotify, Digitize strategically deliver standard and sponsorship solutions to media agencies and advertisers.

Specsheets Specsheets Specsheets Specsheets Specsheets Specsheets

Spotify Ad Specs

To get the latest Spotify specs, download here.

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